Black Opportunists Playacting For Attention; Everything Is “Racist, Ageist and Classist” These Days

Reference:          Providence’s NBC affiliate faces firestorm after host’s comments about incoming female lawmakers of color – The Boston Globe

                This one is tough to believe, but it’s in the paper so it must be true, right?  Look at the picture in the link above.  Some poor respected TV host/anchor of thirty-years standing in Rhode Island, Gene Valicenti, saw that photo and commented in an interview that the three women were striking a “fierce pose” and also called the women “fierce-looking.” 

                According to the Globe, the picture was posted on-line by “Senator-elect Tiara Mack, a progressive Democrat from Providence, which shows Mack, Senator-elect Cynthia Mendes and Representative-elect Brianna Henries, both East Providence Democrats, posing on the steps of the State House with a caption that reads: ‘We don’t just want a seat at the table. We’re bringing the table back to where it belongs: with the people. This is our power. This is our house.’”

                If you look at the picture, it is obvious that the three women were going out of their way to appear fierce and intimidating, since, after all, “[t]his is our power.  This is our house.”  And all this guy did was say so.  And of course he immediately “came under fire on social media” as a “racist, ageist and classist” for stating the obvious, that the “three incoming female lawmakers of color were striking a ‘fierce pose’ in a picture taken on the steps of the State House.” 

                Talk about people looking under every rock they can to find a nit to pick.  Senator-Elect Mack “called his comments ‘racist, ageist, and classist.’”  Obviously she has no idea what any of those terms mean.  But of course she’s black, so her line is that because she’s black she can call anything she wants racist and she has to be validated, and any white man suggesting she’s insane is simply doubling down on his racism.  Where the “ageist” and “classist” claims come from, who the hell knows.  Presumably the three women are younger than Mr. Valicenti, and come from a poor background while to them he is, of course, a white supremacist enjoying his white privilege and hefty paycheck. 

                It is a new and peculiar phenomenon that any black person can say anything is “racist” these days, and we’re all supposed to agree and validate that.  Just like we all have to believe a female alleged “victim” of sexual harassment or assault, regardless of how obviously phony a claim is.  It used to be the customer was always right – now it is any alleged victim of just about anything.  Doesn’t matter how frivolous or idiotic the claim is – in this case, blacks apparently believe they have an absolute right to define what is and isn’t racist, and that is the end of the story.  And anyone questioning that, or even seeking an explanation, is him or herself an irremediable racist who has to be squished like a bug.

And of course with instantaneous social media circulation and endless moronic commentary from people who know absolutely nothing about anything except how to prattle on their keyboards and support any alleged “victim” they can find, the next thing you know you’re cancelled.

That may be what Mr. Valicenti is in for.  This is what Mack said, according to the Globe:  “Mack stopped short of calling for Valicenti to be fired, but said she doesn’t believe he should be delivering the news to Rhode Islanders.  She questioned whether he should be reassigned.”  Yes, she probably thinks she’s showing mercy by not explicitly calling for his firing, but even if he isn’t fired he probably going to anti-discrimination training pretty soon. But it must be nice for HR departments everywhere to know that the “victimhood” is willing to make discipline and firing decisions for them, one less thing to be concerned about.

                All this nonsense just for saying that the Emperor has no clothes.  Sheesh!  What was he supposed to say about the photo – that the three looked warm and fuzzy?  Apparently truth has no value to these people. Mack and others like her should be ashamed of themselves, but phony victims with their own agendas have no shame, do they? It is only real victims that have shame, which in an ass-backwards way, is exactly what real victims should not have and phony victims should. This is a perfect example of, in the delicious words of Jason L. Riley at the Wall Street Journal (Gender-Neutral Language Is More Than a Word Game – WSJ), “opportunists who were playacting for attention.”

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