“Master” will no longer be used to describe bedrooms and bathrooms by Texas realtors. Undoubtedly this will take root all over the country as it seems to be pretty fashionable political correctness. https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/realestate/master-no-longer-used-to-describe-bathrooms-and-bedrooms-by-texas-real-estate-group/ar-BB162ZIY?ocid=spartan-dhp-feeds.
Oregon and Oregon State will no longer use the term “civil war” to describe their annual rivalry football game. https://collegefootballtalk.nbcsports.com/team/oregon-state-beavers/
And of course some time-tested brand names are disappearing in capitulation to the Woke Mob. Aunt Jemima, Cream of Wheat, Eskimo Pies, Unilever’s Fair & Lovely Skin Cream, Dixie Chicks, Lady Antebellum, Yawkey Way, North Dakota’s Fighting Sioux is already gone, as is UMass’ Redmen (and certainly its current Minutemen is on someone’s chopping block), and probably some woke bunch is already crying about the Vineyard’s Restaurant “The Black Dog.” The black toner for my printer surely will be “Ebony” before the year is out, and chances are that the White House will be the Black House as well. Likely Davy Crockett won’t have a “Coonskin” hat (made out of a raccoon pelt, before you freak out) anymore. Not to mention the Washington Redskins, Cleveland Indians, Kansas City Chiefs and Atlanta Braves will all disappear.
And of course the NFL (and it’s unlikely the NBA or MLB will be outdone on this bandwagon) will play the so-called “Black National Anthem” at the first week of games this year (which is reason enough to hope Covid19 cancels the season). Next up? Indian rain dances (oops, probably should be “Native American rituals” – never mind that these so-called Native Americans are not native at all and originally came from someplace else like all the rest of us), and the national anthems of just about every country in the world that has descendents or ex-pats in the US that can claim some sort of “oppressed status,” will be performed. We thought we were missing sports, but maybe not after all, if this nonsense is the result.