Hysterical Hysterical Overreactions

“No one in this world, so far as I know . . . has ever lost money by underestimating the intelligence of the great masses of the plain people. Nor has anyone ever lost public office thereby. . . . The mistake that is made always runs the other way. Because the plain people are able to speak and understand, and even, in many cases, to read and write, it is assumed that they have ideas in their heads, and an appetite for more. This assumption is a folly.” H. L. Mencken, Notes On Journalism (September 19, 1926), The [Baltimore] Sun.

              The Badge of the Order of St. Michael

                The Queen of England has and sometimes bestows a badge – a medal – called The Badge of the Order of Saint Michael.  The Order of St. Michael was established in 1811 by King George III and today is used to recognize service.  The Badge shows St. Michael trampling on Satan, who is a dark color.  See https://www.msn.com/en-us/lifestyle/royals/the-queen-s-highly-offensive-and-racist-royal-badge-resembles-the-killing-of-george-floyd-according-to-protesters-who-are-petitioning-to-have-it-redesigned/ar-BB15UjJB. 

                Apparently there is a movement afoot in England, which we’re sure is supported by the American woke mob, which claims that the image of St. Michael trampling a dark-colored Satan is offensive and racist and that someone (not sure whom) should apologize for the hurt it has caused.  Supposedly it “resembles” the murder of George Floyd.  Go figure. 

                According to the MSN article referenced above, “thousands” of people have signed a petition demanding that this Badge be redesigned to remove its offensive nature and demanding an apology.

                Apparently these “thousands” of people must believe that dark-colored people are Satan.  How it is supposedly offensive and racist is otherwise, as Winston Churchill once said of the intentions of Russia in 1939, “a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma.”  We’re not sure what color Satan should be portrayed as being, but it certainly seems appropriate that the King of the Underworld should be a dark color.  Should St. Michael be black and Satan white?  C’mon. 

                Trader Joe’s House Products (from CBSNews)

                Apparently Trader Joe’s has received a petition from at least 2,000 people claiming that some names of its house products, such as “Trader Ming’s,” “Trader José” and “Trader Giotto’s”, are racist.  The “reasoning,” if it can be called that, is that as the petition states, the practice “exoticizes other cultures — it presents ‘Joe’ as the default ‘normal’ and the other characters falling outside of it.” 

                Some people really have to think hard and be creative in how to get offended and find racism in every nook and corner. 

                Don’t Fly the flag of Norway, Whatever you do (New York Post, Lansing State Journal)

                Greg and Kjersten Offenbecker, owners of The Nordic Pineapple, a B&B in Michigan, had the flag of Norway in front of their business.  Norway’s flag is red with a blue cross superimposed on a white cross.  One of the owners is of Scandinavian heritage, and her grandfather was born in Norway and the bed and breakfast’s name recognizes that heritage.

                Believe it or not, the couple received “at least a dozen hateful emails,” and twice as many verbal comments claiming they were flying the Confederate Stars and Bars.  People have asked the couple to remove the flag, confronting them directly and online. The Offenbeckers have never been threatened, but they have been accused of promoting racism.

                After enough of that, they took the flag down.  “It bugs me as far as the stupidity of people,” Greg Offenbecker said. Mr. Offenbecker, by the way, is a Navy vet who served in Desert Storm.

                To top it off, the Offenbecker’s have two adopted black children, aged 12 and 15.  We guess we shouldn’t be surprised how proud some people are of their ignorance.

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