Reference: U.S. to add third gender option to American passports (; U.S. passport applicants can now ‘self-select their gender’ without medical certification even if gender doesn’t match other documents (
Bad enough that our virtuous government insists that homosexuals and lesbians (and the rest of the silly alphabet soup of LBGTQetcetc world) have the right to marry and adopt despite their perversions and the rest of us have to stomach it. And bad enough that these confused “nonbinary, intersex and gender-nonconforming” people are coming out of the woodwork with woke support and demanding all sorts of special rules and provisions for them, despite being a teensy portion of the population, and all the rest of us have to stomach it.
Now Biden’s State Department is again in on the act. Secretary of State Antony Blinken this week revealed that:
“Today, I am pleased to announce that the department will be taking further steps toward ensuring the fair treatment of LGBTQI+ U.S. citizens, regardless of their gender or sex, by beginning the process of updating our procedures for the issuance of U.S. Passports and Consular Reports of Birth Abroad (CRBA),” he announced. . . .
By updating the department’s policies on gender, Blinken said that the administration is reaffirming “our enduring commitment to the LGBTQI+ community today and moving forward.”
Additionally, the State Department is also “moving towards adding a gender marker for non-binary, intersex, and gender non-conforming persons” applying for the documents, according to Blinken.
Yes, by all means lets twist ourselves into knots trying to appease a teensy but loud portion of the population and having our taxes spent on such nonsense. And we’re willing to run the risk of being called “homophobic” or “transphobic.” We are homophobic and transphobic, and proud of it. Both turn our stomachs, and as a Massachusetts politician said recently, it sickens us that queer couples can adopt. We do not believe in pandering to all this nonsense about LBGTetcetc for people who are just confused yet supported by so-called “advocates” who are only pushing a leftist political agenda rather than recognizing simple biology. Those people are not sincere. There are two genders, male and female. They were meant to work together and complement each other and they were physically made to work together and complement each other. The same just cannot be said about the LBGTetcetc crowd. This “gay pride” stuff is just nonsense – “I’m proud to take it up my butt.” That’s something to be proud of? We don’t think so.